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Finally 2011 ends. Eventually I just didn't realize that time flies really fast. Super fast. What I've done all along 2011, well I guess nothing much. My mind kinda blocked right now, but I try my best to memorize all those ups and downs in 2011.
- No love life. That's definitely sure. Sob sob...
- My money flow become normal again, but with lots and lots of hutang. Thanks to the 2010 financial problem.Huhuuu
- My work become less hectic, less meeting in Putrajaya. Projects in Seri Austin finally finish, and the Singapore job kind of slow down a bit. So I have some time to relax. Also I've started thinking of leaving the company, finding a new place. Job hunting begin.
- Finally we (Jun, Yani & I) managed to get ourselves a holiday. In Penang!! Yayy!!.. It's a very memorable and fun and I love the beach, the hotel room, the Penang food, our chaos, and the most craziest thing ever: from Penang to Shah Alam drive ikut jalan lama. Rasa macam cross country, lalu ikut semua daerah dalam negeri Perak. Kalau ada map masa tu, semua tempat saya bulatkan. Tapi serius penat.
- I bought lots of book this year. Balas dendam tahun 2010 sebab tak boleh beli buku. Most of it motivational books, some Islamic books and found a new favourite author besides Faisal Tehrani, Isa Kamari. He wrote good books, just that you have to prepare your mind when you decide to read his book. Heavy reading. But I love it.
- I landed a job as Senior Engineer at KH Goh & Associates. Started in August 2011. In the fasting month. Before that, tender 2 month notice, shocking my boss and it's a shock for me too. I find it very hard to leave Proteam it's more like a family. The truth is, I'm not ready to leave this company, but I think that this is my only chance to move on. Other than that, I've no specific reason to leave. I love you all and will always love you all.
- New days at KH Goh, very nice boss, super calm work environment, very experienced draftmen (16 years working ok!), but it's like an upside down world to me. Me from super chaos office move in to super calm and quiet place. No crazy laugh, no yelling, it's just clicking of mouse and low volumes of radio. I'm having difficulty in adapting this totally new environment and yet until now, I'm still learning.
- On the other side, I did part time in Proteam. Kind of healing my loneliness in the new office, but somehow I've become workaholic.
- We have open house for Raya. Families, friends are all together. Great moment.
- My brother bought his first car and surpised my mom. Semua kena tipu. He called to pick him at bus station at night, but after Magrib he suddenly showed up in front of the door and tersengih-sengih macam dapat pancing ikan besar. Rupa-rupanya dia bawak kereta baru balik kampung.
- Went to Shah Alam for my sister's convo. First time ever semua tidur hotel. We stayed at The Art Hotel in Shah Alam. It's a budget hotel but the room is very well decorated. Fancy wallpapers, big TV, cosy bed.
- My little brother scored 4As in UPSR. Good job.
- I have a pet cat, named Salman Khan. Panggil Salman. Found him at the office's stair, looking hungry and very thin, messed up all over. So i pick him, clean him, feed him. A week in JB and finally balik kampung, joining the other kitten. Salman really make himself at home, and goes along well with the other cat. And Abah loves him dearly. And he's a big fat body but small face cat now. Terlalu banyak kasih sayang kot. Muka tak boleh gemuk sebab dah terbantut agaknya.
- Housemates. Yani moves in, Kak Ita moves in. So we become 4 in a house. And Pak Aji always said the we complained too much. It's not complain, but it's something that is not working in the house, we should tell the owner. Right? Parking space? Cramped up.
- My best buddy Jun came to JB. Meeting my family, and my Pak Long's too. Sebab hari dia datang, rumah Pak Long ada kenduri, so I bring her along.
- Kereta Kancil saya dah habis bayar. Fuhh lega.
- Paling akhir, semalam saya dapat bonus. Four years of working and never once receive a sum of money called bonus. Although not that much, but Alhamdulillah. makes my day bright.
- The list are long, but that's all my blocked mind (mungkin sebab tak mandi lagi :p) can remember right now.And here I am, wishes all you a happy New 2012 year. Best of luck in everything.

1 comment:
good to read your experiences in 2011..hehe..
smg kite sama2 berjaya & kaya dlm tahun 2012 ini..
menjadi muslim & hamba Allah yg lebih baik & rajin beribadah besides workaholic.. :)
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